What inspires me...

photo de mains tenant une jeune pousse de plante pour illustrer les relations humaines

Passionate about human relationships and their complexity, whatever the context, I offer tools based on the most recent research in neuroscience and positive psychology. I also use a variety of assertive and non-violent communication techniques.

Neurocognitive and Behavioral Approach

Initiated by Dr Jacques Fradin in the 1980s and part of the Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (CBT), this approach allows us to better understand our mental modes of functioning and behaviors and to act effectively on them.

To do so, J. Fradin and his team developed a neurobehavioral reading grid as well as diagnostic and action tools.

Why use this method ?

In general, it allows to develop adaptive intelligence to engage serenely and effectively in any situation.

Some examples of use

  • understand and know how to manage stress
  • become aware of certain obstacles to take action
  • better communicate with colleagues or collaborators

Link to L’institut de cognitivisme website

Positive Psychology

Founded by Seligman in 1998, positive psychology focuses on the optimal functioning of the human being, that is to say, which mobilizes psychological resources to serve the development of the person. It is a real science of individual, group and institutional well-being, based on scientifically valid methods.

Some further reading on the subject :

  • Seligman M., Vivre la psychologie positive, comment ĂȘtre heureux au quotidien, Pocket, Paris, 2015
  • Seligman M., Changer, oui c’est possible, Paris, J’ai Lu, 2014
  • AndrĂ© C., Et n’oublie pas d’ĂȘtre heureux, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2014
  • Servan-Schreiber F., 3 kifs par jour, Paris, Marabout, 2014


For the more seasoned readers:

  • Shankland R., La psychologie positive, Paris, Dunod, 2019
  • TraitĂ© de psychologie positive et grand manuel de la psychologie positive sous la direction de Charles Martin-Krumm et Cyril Tarquinio (de Boeck pour le premier et Dunod pour le second)


When to use positive psychology?

In individual, group or training coaching, positive psychology is a highly valued and effective tool for optimizing resources and engaging people and teams.

Learn to :

  • Make informed choices
  • Recognize strengths and talents to better achieve goals
  • Find meaning in what you do and take pleasure in doing it
  • Be fulfilled professionally or personally

Acceptation and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Coming from the same stream as positive psychology (third wave of CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a tool that I use regularly to help people engage in a life full of meaning for them, despite the difficulties encountered.

Developed by the American psychologist Steven Hayes and his team of researchers, ACT aims for psychological flexibility, that is to say the ability to be in contact with one’s thoughts and emotions in the here and now, even when these are not pleasant, in order to continue to commit to the values ​​and goals that are important to us.

In fact, in our daily life, we tend to want to keep thoughts, memories, emotions that we consider negative out of the way and we often spend a lot of energy in this process, to the detriment of what really matters to us.

ACT will gradually make it possible to allocate energy to actions committed to serving the values ​​that are dear to us.

Psychological flexibility is developed through six cognitive processes:

  • Contact with the present moment: being psychologically present (being aware of the here and now) with openness, interest and receptivity.
  • Cognitive defusion: learning to step back and let go of unhelpful thoughts, worries and memories.
  • Acceptance: allowing negative thoughts and emotions to come and go without fighting against them and without being overwhelmed.
  • Observer : Self-awareness observing what is happening (in our thoughts, our feelings, in our experience of the present moment).
  • Values: discovering what is most important to you.
  • Action Taken: setting goals based on your values ​​and implementing them responsibly. 


Some further reading on the subject :

  • Harris R., Passez Ă  l’ACT. Pratique de la thĂ©rapie d’acceptation et d’engagement, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2012
  • Harris R., le piĂšge du bonheur
  • MonestĂšs J.‑L., Villatte M., La ThĂ©rapie d’acceptation et d’engagement ACT, Issy‑les‑Moulineaux, Elsevier Masson, 2011
  • Schoendorff B., Grand J., Bolduc M.F., La ThĂ©rapie d’acceptation et d’engagement. Guide clinique, Bruxelles, De Boeck SupĂ©rieur, 2011.

Active Listening & Non-Violent Communication

As Mr. Rosenberg so aptly wrote, “Words are windows or they are walls.”

Convinced that good communication is the key to building peaceful and effective relationships, I build my interventions on the basis of active listening and non-violent communication, while including the 4 Toltec principles.

I help you acquire the tools to:

  • Be available and in the moment (oh so precious in business, but not only!),
  • Express your empathy, to signify that you understand what is being expressed (even if we do not necessarily share the same point of view),
  • Accept what is said without judgement, by fighting against the (very human!) temptation to give one’s opinion,
  • Be able to hear beyond words, Communication is essentially non-verbal. It is therefore essential to learn to observe while listening to what is being expressed.